Fragile X Syndrome: From Genetics to Targeted Treatment

Fragile X Syndrome: From Genetics to Targeted Treatment provides a structured overview of the molecular and clinical background of the disorder as well as treatment options. The book discusses the detailed molecular information on each of the pathways involved with sufficient details for all whose research touches this pathway. It provides a state-of-the-art update on all clinical aspects associated with this syndrome, including phenotype, diagnostics and epidemiology. It also includes an overview of the lessons learned from the preclinical research and pioneering trials on the fragile X syndrome for the investigators involved in clinical trials of neurodevelopmental disorders. This book is written for academic researchers, pharmaceutical investigators, and clinicians in the field who work on the disorder, and for researchers involved in clinical trials of the fragile X syndrome or related disorders.
Fragile X Syndrome: From Genetics to Targeted Treatment
Rob Willemsen, Frank Kooy
Academic Press, 26 mag 2017 – 498 pagine