Newsletter – 27 febbraio 2017

Newsletter – 27 febbraio 2017 Rinnovo quota associativa Vi ricordiamo che entro il 31 marzo è necessario rinnovare la quota associativa per l’anno 2017 il cui importo annuale è fissato anche per quest’anno a 30 euro. I soci dell’Associazione Italiana possono effettuare il versamento tramite conto corrente bancario oppure postale e da quest’anno anche on-line tramite … Leggi tutto

Fragile: Handle with care: understanding fragile X syndrome

Fragile: Handle with care: understanding fragile X syndrome Braden Marcia Published by Spectra Pub. Co, 2000 This is an exceptional book written by a master in the field of special education and behavioural psychology

Fragile X Fragile Hope: Finding Joy In Parenting A Child with Special Needs

Fragile X Fragile Hope: Finding Joy In Parenting A Child with Special Needs Elizabeth Griffin This is a publication by Elizabeth Griffin, who has a son with fragile X and autism. Many negative aspects of the journey from diagnosis to acceptance, such as chronic stress, sleep deprivation and the hurtful lack of awareness exhibited by … Leggi tutto

Children with Fragile X Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide

Children with Fragile X Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide Autore: Jayne Dixon Weber Written by leading practitioners and parents for families, teachers and other professionals working with children with fragile X syndrome. Up-to-date information helps families adjust and understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses. It includes some useful chapters on parental emotions, family life, diagnosis, genetics, … Leggi tutto

The Broken Toy

The Broken Toy Marilyn Morgan This short book tells the story of a mother’s fight to gain the best for her son with fx. Dan was born in 1977 and the book takes us through the various stages of his life and an honest picture at the end of a young man who has achieved … Leggi tutto

Assemblea annuale dei soci 2017

L’ assemblea annuale dei soci si è svolta a Roma il 29 aprile 2017 dalle ore 9.00 presso il Roma Scout Center. Nel corso dell’ Assemblea sono stati approvati i bilanci consuntivo 2016 e preventivo 2017. Si sono svolte le elezioni per il rinnovo del Consiglio Direttivo, del collegio dei Probi Viri e del collegio dei Revisori … Leggi tutto